In Budapest, just like in every major city in the world, you can buy a decent slice of pizza. Most places have deliveries as well, which is extremely important when you run a pizza place. It is the perfect holiday food; easy to chew, easy to digest, feels good even in the extreme heat of the Budapest summer, tastes just as good cold, and of course: no dishes, no cooking, and only a half hour wait tops! Here are some of the best pizza places in Budapest:
Perhaps the closest you can get to a slice of pizza straight from Italy, this is Italian styled, thin crust pizza at a super affordable price. Their pizza of the day starts at 1050 forint, less than 3 euros for a whole pie, and one that will feed a couple of hungry folks. They have pizzas in two sizes, one is a 27 centimeter, and the other is your standard 32 centimeter affair, so do mind which one you get. This place also has other awesome Italian foods, like bruschetta, pasta, insalate, and of course great antipasti as well as some tasty desserts.
This chain of grills is an attempt at making traditional Hungarian restaurant food popular, and making it a franchise. They introduced the concept of all you can eat to the Hungarian market. They also make pizzas, and they have a very Hungarian twist on their pies. The dough is quite thick, and the sauce is also abundant on it. Pretty much any topping can be chosen, and their list of pizzas that they make is also quite extensive.
The fourth level (il terzo cerchio) is where the gluttons were punished in Dante’s inferno. In a somewhat creepy move, this authentic Italian pizzeria named itself after just that level of hell, but instead of acid rain and other forms of infernal torture, they choose to use fresh and delicious foods. With the characteristic obsession of italians with eating fresh and making everything a slightly baked and cooked as possible, their pizzas are the real Italian thing; thin crust, little bit of sauce, a focus on fresh toppings and strange ingredients like arugula and aubergine, this really is a slice of Italia in Hungary.
While maintaining a physical presence in Király street, and a smallish restaurant there, this enterprise focuses on deliveries, and are thus the fastest and most efficient at it. They stock all kinds of foods, and have a wide variety of organic and fairtrade products, as well as standard stuff, like a slice of pizza. Thier pizzas are pretty good, but the main thing about them is that it is cheap, fast, and will be at your door before you can set the table. Open 7 days a week too, which is rare in this city.
A place obsessed with Italian culture, and who carry real traditional Italian pizza. They have three categories of pizza, Classico, Primario and Speciale. Each category has about 10 pizzas you can choose from, and the first is the cheapest, while the second contain pizzas with numerous toppings, and are usually more expensive. The third category, Speciale is truly that; very special toppings and seemingly strange ingredients (like eggs, pear, mascarpone and a number of other things) are used to create unique and tantalizing pies. Not the cheapest pizzeria in town, but if you have a hankering for quality foods, this is definitely the place to go.